
Here you will find user and safety informations for the use of flowtronic systems. These information pages will be extended continuously.

If you have questions which you can not find in the information, we welcome your email to our support (info(a t) This will help us to improve this support area constantly. Thank you!


To ensure correct use please read all technical documentation before setting the system into operation. In case of questions please do not hesitate to contacting GREGORY Technology GmbH for further assistance.

More Information

flowtronic system operation
Information and security advises for the use of flowtronic systems. 
Safety key
If the safety key is not inserted, the FCS operation control unit will shut off the fuel pump or will not even start the fuel pump. Such the safety key can be used to operate the flowtronic system FCS (FCS3 and FCS-D). The plug can also automatically shut off the system in case of an emergency or accident. 
Safety contact
The flowtronic FCS turns ON, when the driver starts ignition. The flowtronic FCS switches OFF, when the driver stops ignition. Similar to the safety key with rope, the lead of the safety contact may be fixed to the vehicle body in that way, that the safety contact is pulled out of its socket, if the flowtronic FCS falls off. 
Fuel Filters
To ensure correct operation of the flowtronic FCS systems a regular review and possible change of the integrated fuel filter is require. The fuel filter will only work correctly when it is in a good technical condition. 
The system can be stored when it is filled with fuel.
Store not the system with fuel under pressure. The fuel in the system should be without pressure. If you not want to use the system for a period longer than three months, we recommend regular testing every two months. 
Suction Holders
Information and security advises for the use of suction holders. 
Quick-Lock Couplings
Coupling on the fuel tubes of flowtronic systems allow quick connection and removing from the tubes. The couplings are available in different sizes and versions (not self-closing, self-closing and Flat Face). 
Shipping Instructions
Please inform here about the regulations when packing and shipping the flowtronic systems.